Warning: Undefined variable $acf_get in /www/doc/www.digital-futures.eu/www/wp-content/plugins/divi-machine/includes/modules/ACFItem/ACFItem.php on line 2830

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /www/doc/www.digital-futures.eu/www/wp-content/plugins/divi-machine/includes/modules/ACFItem/ACFItem.php on line 2830


Tabačka Kulturfabrik Gorkého 2, 040 01 Košice Slovensko

Digital Futures Košice

16:30 – 17:25

Realita migrácie do AWS

Pavel Mlčůch, Lead Software Developer


17:30 – 18:25

Monitorovanie zdrojov v Azure pomocou štítkov

Boris Parák, Lead Service Architect


18:30 – 18:55

Tietoevry prichádza na Slovensko

Petr Lukasík, Head of Tietoevry Create Europe

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